Taking care of ourselves & our planet

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back to School - Waste Free Lunches

I have stumbled upon MANY ways to reduce waste in your lunch box. Here are some excellent resource websites.

What do I love most about these companies? They are:
*Going Green
*Providing fundraising opportunities for schools and businesses
*Including a wealth of healthy menu ideas for kids

1) Fabkins: "An Easy Way to Be Green-and Save Money-Every Day"

2) Klean Kanteen: "Not ALL metal bottles are created equal..."

3) Kids Konserve: "Choose to REUSE!"

4) Laptop Lunches: "bento-ware for everywhere"

5) Goodbyn: "a better lunchbox, reinvented for kids, parents,
and our planet"

1 comment:

  1. I love the bento boxes. Tupperware used to make something similar to this way, way back in the day believe it or not. I guess they were ahead of their time!

    Have you ever read the veganlunchbox blog? She used to post daily what she put in her son's lunch box and frequently used bento's and sandwich wraps and all sorts of neat things. Then she decided to homeschool her son :) and now she posts occasionally about things she makes for picnics, fieldtrips and the like.
