Taking care of ourselves & our planet

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Community Hero"

After the media release about me being awarded Volunteer of the Year by Keep Texas Beautiful was put out by the City of Fort Worth, I received an unexpected call from coodinator of Keep Fort Worth Beautiful, Debbie Branch. She informed me that a local news radio station, KRLD-AM 1080, wanted to feature me as their "Community Hero." How awesome!!

...but me, a hero? Curious, I searched online for a definition for the word hero and saw this. "A hero is anyone who can show courage when faced with a problem." I often think of heros as people who save other people from danger. When I saw this definition, however, I guess I can see how my passion for educating children and parents about taking care of ourselves and our planet could be seen as courageous. I face the problems of unhealthy living and environmental issues, and I show people how we can educate ourselves about the little steps we can take to make a huge difference!

The nervousness in my voice during the interview may not sound courageous but, nonetheless, I am anxious to hear the broadcast of the interview tomorrow, July 16th, at 7:50am and 4:50pm. I will be able to access a link to the interview online after it airs so I can post it. Tune in!

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